#6 Social
In this section, I made a online questionaire for more convincing feedback. 33 people filled in the questionaire including 23 males and 10 females. The questions were set as follows: 1. Do you drive a car? Why or why not? 2. Would you be interested in having an autonomous vehicle? Why or why not? 3. Why would you like/dislike an autonomous vehicle? 4. What are your expectations of autonomous vehicles? Here is the results and brief summary: 1. Chart 1 Among the 33 interviewees, 5 own private cars while others don't. This is reasonable because the majority of interviews are students and they can't afford a car. 2. As for their feelings on buying an autonomous vehicle, half of the interviewees expressed their interests on it while others are unwilling to do so. The charts below explain their choices well. Chart 2 Chart 3 In Chart 2 and Chart 3, interviewees are provided with certain options and they are free to choose up to 3 of them. A number of...